How to listen and respond to Inventor events in Python using win32com (from This example assumes you have succefully been able to connect to Inventor’s COM object If you have not, please do that first.
# used to listen to the application events and also the events for a custom button import ctypes import win32com.client from win32com.client.gencache import EnsureDispatch import pythoncom class Events(): def __init__(self, oApp): global Application Application = oApp #Application Events class IVEvent(): def OnQuit(self, BeforeOrAfter, Context, HandlingCode): print("Quiting...") ctypes.windll.user32.PostQuitMessage(0) Application.Quit() #Custom Button Events class BEvent(): def OnExecute(self, Context): print "Dxf Button Clicked" class DoylePlugin(): oApp=EnsureDispatch("Inventor.Application") oApp.Visible=True DxfButton=oApp.CommandManager.ControlDefinitions.AddButtonDefinition("Dxf Update", "dxf", 4) DxfButton.AutoAddToGUI() Events = Events(oApp) AppEvents=win32com.client.DispatchWithEvents(oApp.ApplicationEvents, Events.IVEvent) DxfEvents=win32com.client.DispatchWithEvents(DxfButton, Events.BEvent) pythoncom.PumpMessages()