Do you want to automate Microsoft Internet Explorer more comfortable than ever with Python ? Then maybe PAMIE is helpful for you. PAMIE (Python Automation Module For Internet Explorer) is a free opensource Python win32com script for automation of Internet Explorer – Mainly designed for QA engineers with scripting ability.
>You can download PAMIE from
Here are some functionalities listed:
_frameWait - waits for user speficied frame document to load _wait - wait for documetn to load checkForFormName - check to see if a formname exists in the document checkForFrameName -- check to see if a framename exists ClickBtnImage - Clicks on an input type image button ClickButton - Click on a button ClickImage - clicks on an Image ClickLink - Clicks on a link ClickMenu - Clicks on an menu item,link ClickMenuImage - Clicks on an menu item that is a image. Click a Menu or Sub Menu Item ClickNthImage click on the Nth Image ClickNthLink - click on the Nth link ClickOuterLink - clicks on a link using outertext ClickPageLink - click on the page link ClickIndexLink printLinkIndex GetTextBox - get tectbox value SettextBox - Sets texbox value GetNames - get the names of the form elements GetListbox - gets selected listbox item SetlistBox - sets selected listbox item GetRadioButton - Gets Radio button status SetRadioButton - Sets Radio button GetRadioButtonSet - same as above getTableData - returns the text in table showAllTableText - finds all text(indexed)in table on the web page showTableLinkText - finds the link text dialogcontroller - manipulates modal dialogs ExecuteJS - executes a JavaScript Function on the page
and much much more !!!