This is an example of how to access lotus email with python, please comment
from win32com.client import Dispatch import smtplib session = Dispatch(‘Lotus.Notessession’) session.Initialize('xxxxx') db = session.getDatabase("",'xxxxx\xxxxxx.nsf') print db.Title view = db.GetView('$Inbox') print doc = view.GetFirstDocument record = doc.GetItemValue('Body') print doc.GetItemValue('Subject') for line in record : print line print '##########################################################' loop=0 while loop<4: doc = view.GetNextDocument(doc) record = doc.GetItemValue('Body') print doc.GetItemValue('Subject') for line in record : print line print '##########################################################' loop=loop+1
The Code is not working out of the box for me.
the line
session = Dispatch(‘Lotus.NotesSession’)
had to be changed to
session = Dispatch(‘Lotus.Notessession’) #note the small ‘s’
‘view.getFirstDocument’ has to be called without ‘()’
the rest works as intended. 🙂
@JD: Thanks, updated the code…
I did just the same, but I received data in encoded or encrypted form, how can i decode or decrypt the data?