This Python module can be used to convert files from Microsoft
Office to Postscript. Remember: To print out Postscript files from Microsoft Office you need a virtual Postscript printer.
Alternatively you can download this tool from here too.
import win32com.client, time, pythoncom """ MSOffice2PS - Microsoft Office to Postscript Converter 1.1 Makes a Postscript file from Word-, Excel- or Powerpoint. Now with mutex support for Powerpoint. Because Powerpoint can only run as a single instance. Line 57 must have a unique GUID. You can create a new GUID via: i mport pythoncom print pythoncom.CreateGuid() usage: first: import msoffice2ps in the script, where it should be used then call the convert-function. import msoffice2ps msoffice2ps.word('wordfilename', 'psfilename', 'ps_printername') msoffice2ps.excel('excelfilename', 'psfilename', 'ps_printername') msoffice2ps.powerpoint('powerpointfilename', 'psfilename', 'ps_printername') Dipl.-Ing. Mustafa Goermezer -> """ def word(wordfile, psfile, printer): pythoncom.CoInitializeEx(pythoncom.COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED) myWord = win32com.client.DispatchEx('Word.Application') myWord.Application.ActivePrinter = printer myDoc = myWord.Documents.Open(wordfile, False, False, False) myDoc.Saved=1 myWord.Application.NormalTemplate.Saved = 1 myWord.PrintOut(True, False, 0, psfile) while myWord.BackgroundPrintingStatus > 0: time.sleep(0.1) myDoc.Close() myWord.Quit() del myDoc del myWord pythoncom.CoUninitialize() def excel(excelfile, psfile, printer): pythoncom.CoInitializeEx(pythoncom.COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED) myExcel = win32com.client.DispatchEx('Excel.Application') myExcel.Application.AskToUpdateLinks = 0 Excel = myExcel.Workbooks.Open(excelfile, 0, False, 2) Excel.Saved = 1 Excel.PrintOut(1, 5000, 1, False, printer, True, False, psfile) Excel.Close() myExcel.Quit() del myExcel del Excel pythoncom.CoUninitialize() def powerpoint(powerpointfile, psfile, printer): from win32event import CreateMutex from win32api import GetLastError from winerror import ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS from sys import exit #the guid in the next line must be unique !!! handle = CreateMutex ( None, 1, '{8620EF5C-7ED7-4A46-834B-3C9220566F69}' ) if GetLastError ( ) == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS: print 'Powerpoint conversion already working' exit ( 1 ) pythoncom.CoInitializeEx(pythoncom.COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED) myPowerpoint = win32com.client.DispatchEx('Powerpoint.Application') myPpt = myPowerpoint.Presentations.Open(powerpointfile, False, False, False) myPpt.PrintOptions.PrintInBackground = 0 myPpt.PrintOptions.ActivePrinter = printer myPpt.Saved = 1 myPpt.PrintOut(1, 5000, psfile, 0, False) myPpt.Close() #myPowerpoint.Quit() del myPpt #del myPowerpoint pythoncom.CoUninitialize()