This is a script which creates Outlook tasks from each task out of a Taskcoach XML-file. I saved my task to file named “My_Tasks.tsk”. Please modify it for your needs.
from xml.dom import minidom import win32com.client from datetime import datetime try: oOutlookApp = win32com.client.gencache.EnsureDispatch("Outlook.Application") except: print "MSOutlook: unable to load Outlook" # this should use more try/except blocks or nested blocks #onMAPI = oOutlookApp.GetNamespace("MAPI") #ofTasks = onMAPI.GetDefaultFolder(win32com.client.constants.olFolderTasks) xml = r'My_Tasks.tsk' xmldoc = minidom.parse(xml) tcTasks = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('task') print 'Creating %s tasks'%len(tcTasks) for tcTask in tcTasks: print 'Saving %s [%s]' % (tcTask.getAttribute('subject'), tcTask.getAttribute('status')) newtask = oOutlookApp.CreateItem(win32com.client.constants.olTaskItem) if tcTask.getAttribute('expandedContexts') != 'Dummy': #Todo: Unsichere Ecke newtask.Subject = tcTask.getAttribute('subject') for note in tcTask.getElementsByTagName('note'): newnote = oOutlookApp.CreateItem(win32com.client.constants.olNoteItem) newnote.Body += note.getAttribute('subject') + ':\n' for nodetext in note.getElementsByTagName('description'): newnote.Body += newnote.Save() #newtask.Links.Add(newnote) for tasktext in tcTask.getElementsByTagName('description'): newtask.Body += for attachment in tcTask.getElementsByTagName('attachment'): newtask.Body += 'File attachment %s:\n%s\n' % (attachment.getAttribute('subject'), attachment.getAttribute('location')) if tcTask.getAttribute('duedate') not in ['', None]: newtask.DueDate = tcTask.getAttribute('duedate') if tcTask.getAttribute('startdate') not in ['', None]: newtask.StartDate = tcTask.getAttribute('startdate') #elif tcTask.getAttribute('percentageComplete') in ['0', 0]: #newtask.Status = 0 #newtask.PercentComplete = 0 if tcTask.getAttribute('percentageComplete') in ['100', 100]: newtask.Status = 2 newtask.PercentComplete = 100 if tcTask.getAttribute('percentageComplete') not in ['', None, '100', 100]: newtask.PercentComplete = int(tcTask.getAttribute('percentageComplete')) newtask.Status = 5 newtask.Save()
thanks for sharing Mustafa.
do you know how to create an hyperlink into the a task?
I have tried adding something like
Click Here
but it did not work