I searched a long time for this and also Google could not give me an answer to the following question. How can I detect the selected files in a Windows Explorer window? I found following by trial and error…
import win32com.client # look in the makepy output for IE for the 'CLSIDToClassMap' # dictionary, and find the entry for 'ShellWindows' clsid='{9BA05972-F6A8-11CF-A442-00A0C90A8F39}' ShellWindows=win32com.client.Dispatch(clsid) # a busy state can be detected: # while ShellWindows[0].Busy == False: # go in for-loop here for i in range(ShellWindows.Count): print ShellWindows[i].LocationURL for j in range(ShellWindows[i].Document.SelectedItems().Count): print ' ', ShellWindows[i].Document.SelectedItems().Item(j).Path # Be careful: Internet Explorer uses also the same CLSID. You should implement a detection!