import win32com.client import time app = win32com.client.Dispatch('Word.Application') # The original document: doc = app.Documents.Open('c:\\temp\\firstversion.doc') # The modified document: ret = doc.Compare('c:\\temp\\newversion.doc') app.ActiveDocument.SaveAs('diff.doc') app.ActiveDocument.ExportAsFixedFormat('diff.pdf', 17, False, 0, 0, 1, 1, 7, True, True, 1, True, True, True) app.ActiveDocument.Close() doc.Close() app.Quit()
Get all file property informations on Windows
# - Dumps some user defined properties # of a COM Structured Storage file. import pythoncom from win32com import storagecon # constants related to storage functions. # These come from ObjIdl.h FMTID_UserDefinedProperties = "{F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}" PIDSI_TITLE = 0x00000002 PIDSI_SUBJECT = 0x00000003 PIDSI_AUTHOR = 0x00000004 PIDSI_CREATE_DTM = 0x0000000c def PrintStats(filename) : if sys.platform == 'win32': if not pythoncom.StgIsStorageFile(filename) : print "The file is not a storage file!" return # Open the file. flags = storagecon.STGM_READ | storagecon.STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE stg_= pythoncom.StgOpenStorage(filename, None, flags ) # Now see if the storage object supports Property Information. try: pss = stg_.QueryInterface(pythoncom.IID_IPropertySetStorage) except pythoncom.com_error: print "No summary information is available" return # Open the user defined properties. ps = pss.Open(FMTID_UserDefinedProperties) props = PIDSI_TITLE, PIDSI_SUBJECT, PIDSI_AUTHOR, PIDSI_CREATE_DTM data = ps.ReadMultiple( props ) # Unpack the result into the items. title, subject, author, created = data print "Title:", title print "Subject:", subject print "Author:", author print "Created:", created.Format() if __name__=='__main__': import sys if len(sys.argv)<2: print "Please specify a file name" else: PrintStats(sys.argv[1])
Events in Microsoft Word and Excel
I think this must be an example from Marc Hammond. It shows how to connect to events in Microsoft Word and Excel:
# OfficeEvents - test/demonstrate events with Word and Excel. from win32com.client import DispatchWithEvents, Dispatch import msvcrt, pythoncom import time, sys import types import threading stopEvent = threading.Event() def TestExcel(): class ExcelEvents: def OnNewWorkbook(self, wb): if type(wb) != types.InstanceType: raise RuntimeError, "The transformer doesnt appear to have translated this for us!" self.seen_events["OnNewWorkbook"] = None def OnWindowActivate(self, wb, wn): if type(wb) != types.InstanceType or type(wn) != types.InstanceType: raise RuntimeError, "The transformer doesnt appear to have translated this for us!" self.seen_events["OnWindowActivate"] = None def OnWindowDeactivate(self, wb, wn): self.seen_events["OnWindowDeactivate"] = None def OnSheetDeactivate(self, sh): self.seen_events["OnSheetDeactivate"] = None def OnSheetBeforeDoubleClick(self, Sh, Target, Cancel): if Target.Column % 2 == 0: print "You can double-click there..." else: print "You can not double-click there..." # This function is a void, so the result ends up in # the only ByRef - Cancel. return 1 class WorkbookEvents: def OnActivate(self): print "workbook OnActivate" def OnBeforeRightClick(self, Target, Cancel): print "It's a Worksheet Event" e = DispatchWithEvents("Excel.Application", ExcelEvents) e.seen_events = {} e.Visible=1 book = e.Workbooks.Add() book = DispatchWithEvents(book, WorkbookEvents) print "Have book", book # sheet = e.Worksheets(1) # sheet = DispatchWithEvents(sheet, WorksheetEvents) print "Double-click in a few of the Excel cells..." print "Press any key when finished with Excel, or wait 10 seconds..." if not _WaitForFinish(e, 10): e.Quit() if not _CheckSeenEvents(e, ["OnNewWorkbook", "OnWindowActivate"]): sys.exit(1) def TestWord(): class WordEvents: def OnDocumentChange(self): self.seen_events["OnDocumentChange"] = None def OnWindowActivate(self, doc, wn): self.seen_events["OnWindowActivate"] = None def OnQuit(self): self.seen_events["OnQuit"] = None stopEvent.set() w = DispatchWithEvents("Word.Application", WordEvents) w.seen_events = {} w.Visible = 1 w.Documents.Add() print "Press any key when finished with Word, or wait 10 seconds..." if not _WaitForFinish(w, 10): w.Quit() if not _CheckSeenEvents(w, ["OnDocumentChange", "OnWindowActivate"]): sys.exit(1) def _WaitForFinish(ob, timeout): end = time.time() + timeout while 1: if msvcrt.kbhit(): msvcrt.getch() break pythoncom.PumpWaitingMessages() stopEvent.wait(.2) if stopEvent.isSet(): stopEvent.clear() break try: if not ob.Visible: # Gone invisible - we need to pretend we timed # out, so the app is quit. return 0 except pythoncom.com_error: # Excel is busy (eg, editing the cell) - ignore pass if time.time() > end: return 0 return 1 def _CheckSeenEvents(o, events): rc = 1 for e in events: if not o.seen_events.has_key(e): print "ERROR: Expected event did not trigger", e rc = 0 return rc def test(): import sys if "noword" not in sys.argv[1:]: TestWord() if "noexcel" not in sys.argv[1:]: TestExcel() print "Word and Excel event tests passed." if __name__=='__main__': test()
Set archive bit on files in a directory
import win32file import win32con import os def togglefileattribute(filename, fileattribute, value): """Turn a specific file attribute on or off, leaving the other attributes intact. """ bitvector = win32file.GetFileAttributes(filename) if value: bitvector |= fileattribute else: bitvector &= ~fileattribute win32file.SetFileAttributes(filename, bitvector) # Sample usage: for file in os .listdir(r'C:\Temp\doc'): file = os.path.join(r'C:\Temp\doc\%s'%file) togglefileattribute(file, win32con.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE, False)
Create Outlook tasks from Taskcoach task file
This is a script which creates Outlook tasks from each task out of a Taskcoach XML-file. I saved my task to file named “My_Tasks.tsk”. Please modify it for your needs.
from xml.dom import minidom import win32com.client from datetime import datetime try: oOutlookApp = win32com.client.gencache.EnsureDispatch("Outlook.Application") except: print "MSOutlook: unable to load Outlook" # this should use more try/except blocks or nested blocks #onMAPI = oOutlookApp.GetNamespace("MAPI") #ofTasks = onMAPI.GetDefaultFolder(win32com.client.constants.olFolderTasks) xml = r'My_Tasks.tsk' xmldoc = minidom.parse(xml) tcTasks = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('task') print 'Creating %s tasks'%len(tcTasks) for tcTask in tcTasks: print 'Saving %s [%s]' % (tcTask.getAttribute('subject'), tcTask.getAttribute('status')) newtask = oOutlookApp.CreateItem(win32com.client.constants.olTaskItem) if tcTask.getAttribute('expandedContexts') != 'Dummy': #Todo: Unsichere Ecke newtask.Subject = tcTask.getAttribute('subject') for note in tcTask.getElementsByTagName('note'): newnote = oOutlookApp.CreateItem(win32com.client.constants.olNoteItem) newnote.Body += note.getAttribute('subject') + ':\n' for nodetext in note.getElementsByTagName('description'): newnote.Body += newnote.Save() #newtask.Links.Add(newnote) for tasktext in tcTask.getElementsByTagName('description'): newtask.Body += for attachment in tcTask.getElementsByTagName('attachment'): newtask.Body += 'File attachment %s:\n%s\n' % (attachment.getAttribute('subject'), attachment.getAttribute('location')) if tcTask.getAttribute('duedate') not in ['', None]: newtask.DueDate = tcTask.getAttribute('duedate') if tcTask.getAttribute('startdate') not in ['', None]: newtask.StartDate = tcTask.getAttribute('startdate') #elif tcTask.getAttribute('percentageComplete') in ['0', 0]: #newtask.Status = 0 #newtask.PercentComplete = 0 if tcTask.getAttribute('percentageComplete') in ['100', 100]: newtask.Status = 2 newtask.PercentComplete = 100 if tcTask.getAttribute('percentageComplete') not in ['', None, '100', 100]: newtask.PercentComplete = int(tcTask.getAttribute('percentageComplete')) newtask.Status = 5 newtask.Save()
Get all adressbook entries
import codecs, win32com.client # This example dumps the items in the default address book # needed for converting Unicode->Ansi (in local system codepage) DecodeUnicodeString = lambda x: codecs.latin_1_encode(x)[0] def DumpDefaultAddressBook(): # Create instance of Outlook o = win32com.client.Dispatch("Outlook.Application") mapi = o.GetNamespace("MAPI") folder = mapi.GetDefaultFolder(win32com.client.constants.olFolderContacts) print "The default address book contains",folder.Items.Count,"items" # see Outlook object model for more available properties on ContactItem objects attributes = [ 'FullName', 'Email1Address'] for i in range(1,folder.Items.Count+1): print "~~~ Entry %d ~~~" % i item = folder.Items[i] for attribute in attributes: print attribute, eval('item.%s' % attribute) o = None DumpDefaultAddressBook()
Events in Microsoft Project
I found this very interesting Python script, which showes how to use Events in Microsoft Project with Python for Windows. Simply dispatch with an eventmanager class:
import win32com.client import pythoncom defaultNamedNotOptArg = pythoncom.Empty class EventManager(object): def OnProjectBeforeSave(self, pj=defaultNamedNotOptArg, SaveAsUi=defaultNamedNotOptArg, Cancel=defaultNamedNotOptArg): print 'Project saved' pass def OnProjectBeforeClose(self, pj=defaultNamedNotOptArg, Cancel=defaultNamedNotOptArg): print 'Project closed' pass def OnProjectTaskNew(self, pj=defaultNamedNotOptArg, ID=defaultNamedNotOptArg): print 'Task created' pass def OnProjectBeforeTaskChange(self, tsk=defaultNamedNotOptArg, Field=defaultNamedNotOptArg, NewVal=defaultNamedNotOptArg, Cancel=defaultNamedNotOptArg): print 'Field %s of Task %s changed to %s'%(Field, tsk, NewVal) pass def OnProjectBeforeTaskDelete(self, tsk=defaultNamedNotOptArg, Cancel=defaultNamedNotOptArg): print 'Task %s deleted'%tsk pass app = win32com.client.DispatchWithEvents('MSProject.Application', EventManager) doc = app.ActiveProject app.Visible=1
Remote monitoring Windows
This script requests following informations remotely from a Windows machine:
- Uptime
- CPU Utilization
- Available Memory
- Memory Used
- Ping
Attention: This script needs the WMI module from Tim Golden.
import re import wmi from subprocess import Popen, PIPE # this script comes from def get_uptime(computer, user, password): c = wmi.WMI(computer=computer, user=user, password=password, find_classes=False) secs_up = int([uptime.SystemUpTime for uptime in c.Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfOS_System()][0]) hours_up = secs_up / 3600 return hours_up def get_cpu(computer, user, password): c = wmi.WMI(computer=computer, user=user, password=password, find_classes=False) utilizations = [cpu.LoadPercentage for cpu in c.Win32_Processor()] utilization = int(sum(utilizations) / len(utilizations)) # avg all cores/processors return utilization def get_mem_mbytes(computer, user, password): c = wmi.WMI(computer=computer, user=user, password=password, find_classes=False) available_mbytes = int([mem.AvailableMBytes for mem in c.Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfOS_Memory()][0]) return available_mbytes def get_mem_pct(computer, user, password): c = wmi.WMI(computer=computer, user=user, password=password, find_classes=False) pct_in_use = int([mem.PercentCommittedBytesInUse for mem in c.Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfOS_Memory()][0]) return pct_in_use def ping(host_name): p = Popen('ping -n 1 ' + host_name, stdout=PIPE) m ='Average = (.*)ms', if m: return True else: raise Exception
Form extractor from word to Excel
Konrads Smelkovs had a bunch of filled out word documents with word forms in them and neded them in Excel. Initially he tried CSV but it didn’t play nice with encodings. So he decided to write directly to XLS:
""" Copyright 2009 Konrads SmelkovsUTF8Recorder and UnicodeWriter come from python docs """ import sys,os,csv import win32com.client import pywintypes class ExcelWriter(object): def __init__(self,excelfile): self.excelapp=win32com.client.DispatchEx('Excel.Application') self.excelapp.Visible=0 self.excelapp.Application.AskToUpdateLinks=0 self.workbook=self.excelapp.Workbooks.Add() os.unlink(excelfile) #TODO: remove for release self.workbook.SaveAs(excelfile) # Only worksheet 1 is used. self.worksheet=self.workbook.Worksheets.Item(1) self.currentrow=1 def _getrow(self,row): """Convert integer row index to Alphabetical: 1 -> A 2 -> B ... """ if row<27: return chr(ord('A')-1 + row) else: first=row / 26 return chr(ord('A')-1 + first) + chr(ord('A')-1 + row % 26) def __del__(self): self.workbook.Save() self.workbook.Close() self.excelapp.Quit() def writerow(self,data): for col in xrange(1,len(data)+1): range=self._getrow(col)+str(self.currentrow) print >>sys.stderr,"Range: %s" % range cell=self.worksheet.Range(range) cell.Value=data[col-1] self.currentrow+=1 def main(): if len(sys.argv)<3: print "Usage: %s " % sys.argv[0] print "Where - directory containing word docs with forms" print "and - file where to put results" sys.exit(-1) directory=os.path.abspath(sys.argv[1]) wordapp = win32com.client.Dispatch("Word.Application") wordapp.Visible=0 # Hide word app results=[] for docfile in os.listdir(directory): thisdocresults=[] if docfile.endswith(".doc") or docfile.endswith(".docx"): print >> sys.stderr, "Processing %s" % docfile worddoc=wordapp.Documents.Open(os.path.join(directory,docfile)) for i in range(1,worddoc.FormFields.Count+1): try: form=worddoc.FormFields.Item(i) name=form.Name value=form.Result thisdocresults.append((name,value)) try: print >>sys.stderr, "%s: %s" % (name,value) except UnicodeEncodeError,e: print >>sys.stderr, "Error decoding charset,%s" % e except pywintypes.com_error,e: print >>sys.stderr, "Exception: %s" % str(e) results.append(thisdocresults) worddoc.Close() wordapp.Quit() writer=ExcelWriter(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[2])) print >>sys.stderr,"Writing to Excel" for docres in results: data=[] for (n,v) in docres: data.append(v) writer.writerow(data) if __name__=="__main__": main()
Change Desktop color with ctypes
from ctypes.wintypes import windll, c_int, byref, RGB COLOR_BACKGROUND = 1 # from winuser.h or win32con SetSysColors = windll.user32.SetSysColors which_color = RGB(255,0,0) # red SetSysColors(1, byref(c_int(COLOR_BACKGROUND)), byref(c_int(which_color)))